Extract date information

Use this step if you need to extract date information from a date column (e.g. the year or the month).

The following information can be extracted:

  • year': extract ‘year’ from date,
  • month: extract ‘month’ from date,
  • day: extract ‘day of month’ from date,
  • week: extract ‘week number’ (ranging from 0 to 53) from date,
  • quarter: extract ‘quarter number’ from date (1 for Jan-Feb-Mar)
  • day of week: extract ‘day of week’ (ranging from 1 for Sunday to 7 for Staurday) from date,
  • day of year: extract ‘day of year’ from date,
  • ISO year: extract ‘year number’ in ISO 8601 format (ranging from 1 to 53) from date.
  • ISO week: extract ‘week number’ in ISO 8601 format (ranging from 1 to 53) from date.
  • ISO day of week: extract ‘day of week’ in ISO 8601 format (ranging from 1 for Monday to 7 for Sunday) from date,
  • first day of year: calendar date corresponding to the first day (1st of January) of the year ,
  • first day of month: calendar date corresponding to the first day of the month,
  • first day of week: calendar date corresponding to the first day of the week,
  • first day of quarter: calendar date corresponding to the first day of the quarter,
  • first day of ISO week: calendar date corresponding to the first day of the week in ISO 8601 format,
  • previous day: calendar date one day before the target date,
  • first day of previous year: calendar date corresponding to the first day (1st of January) of the previous year,
  • first day of previous month: calendar date corresponding to the first day of the previous month,
  • first day of previous week: calendar date corresponding to the first day of the previous week,
  • first day of previous ISO week: calendar date corresponding to the first day of the previous ISO week,
  • first day of previous quarter: calendar date corresponding to the first day of the previous quarter,
  • previous year number: extract previous ‘year number’ from date,
  • previous month number: extract previous ‘month number’ from date,
  • previous week number: extract previous ‘week number’ from date,
  • previous quarter number: extract previous ‘quarter number’ from date,
  • previous ISO week number: extract previous ‘week number’ in ISO 8601 format (ranging from 1 for Monday to 7 for Sunday)from date,
  • hour: extract ‘hour’ from date,
  • minutes: extract ‘minutes’ from date,
  • seconds: extract ‘seconds’ from date,
  • milliseconds: extract ‘milliseconds’ from date,

This step is supported by the following backends:

  • Mongo 5.0
  • Mongo 4.2
  • Mongo 4.0
  • Mongo 3.6
  • Pandas (python)

Where to find this step?

  • Widget Date
  • Search bar

Options reference

  • Date column:: specify the date column to extract information from (the column must be of date data type),

  • Date information to extract...: the type of information to extract (e.g. year, month). You can select several information to extract at once.


This configuration results in:

The hour property is extracted from the Transaction_date column.